Of Mum's seven children I was the only one fortunate to inherit her musical talent. She was a very good pianist but not many people would know that about her. I remember when I was a small child sitting on the piano stool next to her as she played pieces.I was always amazed that her hands could move so fast to get all of those notes out. The piece I remember the most was Rustle of Spring and it is a melody that has stuck in my head for many years. This is why I chose it for her funeral service.The cascading notes bring back important memories. Mum realised that I had a talent for music and was there at every exam I took and every concert that I performed in. She paid for every lesson and every exam. She spent hours typing my essays when I did my music degree. Thank you Mum for seeing the gift that you had in your youngest child.I hope that in some way my talents gave you a sense of pride. I wouldn't have done it without you xxxxx